
Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (1-2)

Published on
28 February 2006

Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic.


COLLECTIF . (ed.) 2006. — Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic./Climats – Culture – Société aux temps préhistoriques. De l’apparition des hominidés jusqu’au Néolithique.. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 5 (1-2), arts 1-55.

fr Editorial Board - Français


Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (1) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Préambule


1-2, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (2) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Climats – Cultures – Sociétés aux temps préhistoriques. De l'apparition des Hominidés jusqu'au Néolithique : un regard d'ensemble


3-11, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (3) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Chronologie des variations climatiques rapides pendant la dernière période glaciaire

Édouard BARD et al.

13-19, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (4) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les causes astronomiques des grandes variations du climat au Quaternaire


21-26, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (5) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Paléoclimats et mécanismes climatiques


27-34, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (6) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Climate and hydrological changes in tropical Africa during the past million years

Françoise GASSE

35-43, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (7) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Climat et atmosphère au Quaternaire : de nouveaux carottages glaciaires

JOUZEL et al.

45-55, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (8) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les variations climatiques au Pléistocène en région méditerranéenne


57-64, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (9) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Apport des longues séquences lacustres à la connaissance des variations des climats et des paysages pléistocènes

Jacques-Louis DE BEAULIEU et al.

65-72, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (10) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Archaeological palynology with regards to long pollen records


73-83, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (11) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The bunch of ancestors


85-88, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (12) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Bipédie et climat

Brigitte SENUT

89-98, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (13) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Early hominid femora: The inside story


99-108, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (14) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Évolution du chondrocrâne et de la face des grands anthropoïdes miocènes jusqu'à Homo sapiens, continuités et discontinuités


109-117, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (15) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Il y a 2,5 millions d'années… un seuil majeur de l'hominisation. L'émergence de la pensée conceptuelle et des stratégies maîtrisées du débitage de la pierre

Henry de LUMLEY

119-126, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (16) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les cultures acheuléennes et la question de l'émergence de la pensée symbolique chez Homo erectus à partir des données relatives à la forme symétrique et harmonique des bifaces


127-135, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (17) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'émergence des identités culturelles au Paléolithique inférieur : le cas de l'Italie

Renata GRIFONI & Carlo TOZZI

137-148, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (18) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Il y a 400 000 ans : la domestication du feu, un formidable moteur d'hominisation

Henry de LUMLEY

149-154, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (19) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The emergence of a symbolic behaviour: the sepulchral pit of Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain


155-160, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (20) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Ce que nous apprennent les premières sépultures


161-167, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (21) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les sépultures du Paléolithique supérieur : la documentation italienne


169-176, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (22) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr En parallèle aux sépultures. Histoire des idées sur d'autres pratiques mortuaires attribuées aux Néandertaliens


177-182, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (23) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les « industries de transition » et le mode de spéciation des groupes néandertaliens en Europe entre 40 et 30 ka

Marie-Hélène MONCEL & Jean-Luc VOISIN

183-192, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (24) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'émergence de l'Homme moderne en zone nord-méditerranéenne


193-202, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (25) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Art paléolithique, saisons et climats

Brigitte DELLUC & Gilles DELLUC

203-211, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (26) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr De la faune au bestiaire – La grotte Chauvet–Pont-d'Arc, aux origines de l'art pariétal paléolithique


213-222, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (27) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'émergence de l'art en zone nord-méditerranéenne


223-227, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (28) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Le site acheuléen d’Errayah (Mostaganem, Algérie) dans son contexte géologique

Abdelkader DERRADJI

229-235, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (29) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Histoire du peuplement paléolithique de l'Afrique du Nord et dynamique des interactions entre l'homme et son environnement


237-242, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (30) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les plus vieilles traces d'occupation humaine en Afrique du Nord : Perspective de l'Ain Hanech, Algérie


243-254, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (31) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr La vallée du Nil et le Sahara oriental : une population préhistorique fluctuante sous l'effet des variations climatiques


255-262, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (32) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Découverte d'un assemblage lithique sous un encroûtement calcaire à El Beyyed Yeslem II, Mauritanie

Henry de LUMLEY et al.

263-271, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (33) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'Homme de Dmanissi (Homo georgicus), il y a 1 810 000 ans

Marie-Antoinette de LUMLEY & David LORDKIPANIDZE

273-281, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (34) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The first peopling of southern Europe: the Italian case


283-290, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (35) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The first human settlement of Mediterranean Europe


291-298, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (36) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The early settlement of northern Europe: Fire history in the context of climate change and the social brain


299-310, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (37) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les premiers peuplements de l'Europe centrale et de l'Est


311-317, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (38) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Initial colonization of the Arctic zone

Vladimir SHUMKIN

319-322, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (39) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Le changement climatique à partir de 850 av. J.-C. et l'expansion de la culture scythe

Bas VAN GEEL et al.

323-328, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (40) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'homme préhistorique dans le Grand Nord

Patrick PLUMET

329-342, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (41) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en The oldest human groups in the Levant

Avraham RONEN

343-351, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (42) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Narmada Homo erectus – A possible ancestor of the modern Indian

Arun SONAKIA & Henry de LUMLEY

353-357, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (43) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les premiers peuplements d'Asie du Sud : vestiges culturels

Christian GAILLARD

359-369, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (44) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Indonesia–Southeast Asia: Climates, settlements, and cultures in Late Pleistocene


371-379, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (45) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Sur les premiers peuplements du Pacifique sud

Anne-Marie SÉMAH & Florent DÉTROIT

381-393, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (46) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Inception of agriculture and rearing in the Middle East


395-404, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (47) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr L'aridification du Sahara : quel rôle dans l'éclosion de la civilisation égyptienne ?


405-408, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (48) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en After 5000 BC: The Libyan desert in transition

Rudolph KUPER

409-419, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (49) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Interventions humaines sur les plantes et les animaux dans le Sahara central


421-427, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (50) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Du comportement symbolique des derniers chasseurs Mechta-Afalou d'Afrique du Nord

Slimane HACHI

429-440, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (51) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Les comportements de subsistance et symboliques des premiers pasteurs néolithiques du Maghreb oriental atlasique

Colette ROUBET

441-451, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (52) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Climat et néolithisation de l'Europe méditerranéenne

Jean-Pierre MOHEN

453-462, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (53) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

fr Premiers pasteurs et agriculteurs dans le sous-continent Indo-Pakistanais

Jean-François JARRIGE & Catherine JARRIGE

463-472, Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (54) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF

en Editorial Board - English

Published on 28 February 2006, art. 5 (55) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Climates - Culture - Society in prehistoric times. From the appearance of hominids to the Neolithic. edited by COLLECTIF