Author publications
Thematic issue
Origines de l’homme dans le sous-continent Indien
DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A. (ed.) 2016. — Human origins in the Indian sub-continent/Origines de l’homme dans le sous-continent Indien. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 15 (3-4), arts 26-39.
The first Indo-French Prehistorical Mission in Siwaliks and the discovery of anthropic activities at 2.6 million years
DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A. 2016. — The first Indo-French Prehistorical Mission in Siwaliks and the discovery of anthropic activities at 2.6 million years. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 281-294.
Anthropic activities in the fossiliferous Quranwala Zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwaliks of Northwest India, historical context of the discovery and scientific investigations
DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., SINGH M., KARIR B., GAILLARD C., BHARDWAJ V., MOIGNE A.-M., ABDESSADOK S., CHAPON SAO C., GARGANI J., TUDRYN A., CALLIGARO T., KAUR A., PAL S. & HAZARIKA M. 2016. — Anthropic activities in the fossiliferous Quranwala Zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwaliks of Northwest India, historical context of the discovery and scientific investigations. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 295-316.
Intentional cut marks on bovid from the Quranwala zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India
DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., MOIGNE A.-M., SINGH M., CALLIGARO T., KARIR B., GAILLARD C., KAUR A., BHARDWAJ V., PAL S., ABDESSADOK S., CHAPON SAO C., GARGANI J., TUDRYN A. & GARCIA SANZ M. 2016. — Intentional cut marks on bovid from the Quranwala zone, 2.6 Ma, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 317-339.
Évolution du chondrocrâne et de la face des grands anthropoïdes miocènes jusqu'à Homo sapiens, continuités et discontinuités
DE LUMLEY H., MIDANT-REYNES B. & DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A. 2006. — Évolution du chondrocrâne et de la face des grands anthropoïdes miocènes jusqu'à Homo sapiens , continuités et discontinuités. Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (1-2): 109-117.
Magnetic polarity of Masol 1 Locality deposits, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India
CHAPON SAO C., ABDESSADOK S., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., SINGH M., KARIR B., BHARDWAJ V., PAL S., GAILLARD C., MOIGNE A.-M., GARGANI J. & TUDRYN A. 2016. — Magnetic polarity of Masol 1 Locality deposits, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 407-416.
Lithostratigraphy of Masol paleonto-archeological localities in the Quranwala zone, 2.6 Ma, Northwestern India
CHAPON SAO C., ABDESSADOK S., TUDRYN A., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., SINGH M., KARIR B., GAILLARD C., MOIGNE A.-M., GARGANI J. & BHARDWAJ V. 2016. — Lithostratigraphy of Masol paleonto-archeological localities in the Quranwala zone, 2.6 Ma, Northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 417-439.
Stratigraphy and paleoenvironment during the Late Pliocene at Masol paleonto-archeological site (Siwalik Range, NW India): Preliminary results
TUDRYN A., ABDESSADOK S., GARGANI J., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., GAILLARD C., MOIGNE A.-M., CHAPON SAO C., SINGH M., BHARDWAJ V., KARIR B. & MISKA S. 2016. — Stratigraphy and paleoenvironment during the Late Pliocene at Masol paleonto-archeological site (Siwalik Range, NW India): Preliminary results. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 440-452.
The lithic industries on the fossiliferous outcrops of the Late Pliocene Masol Formation, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India (Punjab)
GAILLARD C., SINGH M., MALASSÉ A. D., BHARDWAJ V., KARIR B., KAUR A., PAL S., MOIGNE A.-M., CHAPON SAO C., ABDESSADOK S., GARGANI J. & TUDRYN A. 2016. — The lithic industries on the fossiliferous outcrops of the Late Pliocene Masol Formation, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India (Punjab). Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 341-357.
The faunal assemblage of the paleonto-archeological localities of the Late Pliocene Quranwala Zone, Masol Formation, Siwalik Range, NW India
MOIGNE A.-M., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., SINGH M., KAUR A., GAILLARD C., KARIR B., PAL S., BHARDWAJ V., ABDESSADOK S., CHAPON SAO C., GARGANI J. & TUDRYN A. 2016. — The faunal assemblage of the paleonto-archeological localities of the Late Pliocene Quranwala Zone, Masol Formation, Siwalik Range, NW India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 359-378.
Geology and geomorphology of Masol paleonto-archeological site, Late Pliocene, Chandigarh, Siwalik Frontal Range, NW India
GARGANI J., ABDESSADOK S., TUDRYN A., CHAPON SAO C., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., GAILLARD C., MOIGNE A.-M., SINGH M., BHARDWAJ V. & KARIR B. 2016. — Geology and geomorphology of Masol paleonto-archeological site, Late Pliocene, Chandigarh, Siwalik Frontal Range, NW India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 379-391.
Sedimentological study of major paleonto-archaeological localities of the Late Pliocene Quranwala zone, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India
ABDESSADOK S., SAO C. C., TUDRYN A., DAMBRICOURT MALASSÉ A., SINGH M., GARGANI J., KARIR B., GAILLARD C., MOIGNE A.-M., BHARDWAJ V. & PAL S. 2016. — Sedimentological study of major paleonto-archaeological localities of the Late Pliocene Quranwala zone, Siwalik Frontal Range, northwestern India. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (3-4): 393-406.
Découverte d'un assemblage lithique sous un encroûtement calcaire à El Beyyed Yeslem II, Mauritanie
DE LUMLEY H., MIDANT-REYNES B., DE LUMLEY H., TOURÉ O. C., RACHID M. O., MOIGNE A.-M., DAMBRICOURT-MALASSÉ A., SAOS T., PLEURDEAU D., SEASEAU C., DIEBOLD M. & KERNALEGUEN Y. 2006. — Découverte d'un assemblage lithique sous un encroûtement calcaire à El Beyyed Yeslem II, Mauritanie. Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (1-2): 263-271.