Christian GAILLARD
Author publications
Ichnotaxonomy and ichnospecies
GAILLARD C. 2011. — Ichnotaxinomie et notion d’ichnoespèce. Comptes Rendus Palevol 10 (2-3): 209-218.
Les premiers peuplements d'Asie du Sud : vestiges culturels
DE LUMLEY H., MIDANT-REYNES B. & GAILLARD C. 2006. — Les premiers peuplements d'Asie du Sud : vestiges culturels. Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (1-2): 359-369.
The lithographic limestones of Cerin (southern Jura Mountains, France). A synthetic approach and environmental interpretation
BERNIER P., BARALE G., BOURSEAU J.-P., BUFFETAUT E., GAILLARD C., GALL J.-C. & WENZ S. 2014. — The lithographic limestones of Cerin (southern Jura Mountains, France). A synthetic approach and environmental interpretation. Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (5): 383-402.
High-frequency palaeoenvironmental fluctuations recorded in Jurassic coral- and sponge-microbialite bioconstructions
NÉRAUDEAU D., OLIVIER N., PITTET B., GAILLARD C. & HANTZPERGUE P. 2007. — High-frequency palaeoenvironmental fluctuations recorded in Jurassic coral- and sponge-microbialite bioconstructions. Comptes Rendus Palevol 6 (1-2): 21-36.