Scientific field trips in the Adrar area are the result of a scientific collaboration between the Institute of Human Palaeontology (Paris, France), the European Prehistoric Research Centre of Tautavel (France) and the Mauritanian Scientific Institute of Research to study the Early Palaeolithic of Adrar in Mauritania. In this area, all the evolution stages of civilizations were found from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. The site of El Beyyed, discovered by T. Monod in 1934, revealed a concentration of prehistoric sites with a material of Acheulean age. Other sites recently discovered, Yeslem II and Yeslem III, respectively a site with lithic assemblage in situ found in stratigraphy and a site with fauna associated with lithic tools inside a calcareous crust, make it possible to explore the questions relating to palaeoenvironments and diversity of the human occupations in Mauritanian Adrar.
Acheulean, stratigraphy, Fauna