The coexistence of different human groups in the period dated between 600 and 300 Ka is evidenced by different cultural traditions. These are described as follows: (1) a ‘Tayacian’ group, characterised by small lithic industry, by the presence of dihedral ventral surface, by a high carinal index, by an often-raised Quina-type retouch and by a variable percentage of denticulates and scrapers, while handaxes are rare, if not absent (Loreto di Venosa, Visogliano A couches 46–40, Visogliano B); (2) a ‘denticulate’ group found exclusively in Visogliano A, layers 39–37; (3) a ‘Clactonian’ group characterised by large, thick, but rarely carinated flakes, a large number of scrapers, few denticulates; the handaxes are rare or absent (east side of Italy, Sicily and Sardinia); (4) an ‘Acheulean’ group, in which different subgroups can be distinguished, relying upon the number of handaxes as well as the characters of the flake industry. In Latium and in Notarchirico di Venosa, flakes are small and often carinated; Early Acheulean handaxes from Gargano and the Adriatic area are accompanied by large, massive flakes (mainly scrapers).
Lower Palaeolithic, Acheulean, Tayacian, Clactonian