
Anthropozoologica 45 (1)

Published on
25 June 2010

Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet

Edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE, Anne-Élène DELAVIGNE & Bernadette LIZET

This issue of Anthropozoologica takes place in a context of questions and controversies about the role of animals in the human diet. It brings together thirteen of the twenty two contributions submitted by archaeologists, and historians anthropologists during a two-day workshop organized by the Association HASRI with the support of the CIV, intitled Meat and societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet held at the French National Museum of Natural History, November 27th and 28th November 2008. It illustrates the diversity of meat eating practices and their representations in various historic, social and cultural contexts.

BRISEBARRE A.-M., DELAVIGNE A.-É. & LIZET B. (eds) 2010. — Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet/Viandes et sociétés : les consommations ordinaires et extraordinaires. Anthropozoologica, vol. 45 (1), arts 1-13.
anth45/1 Price :
36,00 €

fr Usages ordinaires et rituels de la viande dans le bassin de l'Iénisseï : l'exemple du renne et du mouton

Vladimir I. D'IATCHENKO & Francine DAVID

11-23, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (1) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

en The llama and the deer: dietary and symbolic dualism in the central Andes


25-45, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (2) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Ras al-cām et Achoura : deux fêtes carnées en Tunisie dans leur rapport aux rituels


47-58, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (3) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr De la rareté d'une consommation à l'élaboration d'une norme : le halal ou comment l'exceptionnel devient banal

Christine RODIER

59-66, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (4) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr « Mon sel dans ton ventre » Accord, agrégation et identité par la consommation de nourriture carnée dans le Sud-Est marocain

Marie-Luce GÉLARD

67-76, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (5) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Des catégories animales aux catégories sociales : ordinaire et extraordinaire en matière de consommation de viande chez les Touaregs (Tagaraygarayt, Niger)


77-99, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (6) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Statut d'exception du Mulet jaune dans la société maure (Mauritanie) : gibier des pêcheurs imrâgen, viande des pasteurs nomades

Sébastien BOULAY

101-114, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (7) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Hippophiles et hippophages


115-135, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (8) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Le cheval français en morceaux. Statut de l'animal, statut de sa viande

Bernadette LIZET

137-148, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (9) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

en Choosing human flesh? A few medieval peculiarities and the debates of contemporary research


149-155, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (10) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Manger du chien à Tahiti : une affirmation identitaire ?


157-172, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (11) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr La viande ordinaire et « l'extra » : le goût contre les normes


173-184, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (12) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.

fr Entre sécurité alimentaire, éthique et peur : premiers jalons d'une recherche anthropologique sur la viande issue d'animaux clonés

Jacqueline MILLIET & Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE

185-198, Published on 25 June 2010, art. 45 (13) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Meat and Societies: Ordinary and extraordinary diet edited by Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE et al.