
Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (6)

Published on
30 September 2006

fr Editorial Board

Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (91) DOI

en New Late Asbian/Early Brigantian (Late Visean, Mississippian) dates in the Mouchenkour Formation (central Morocco): palaeogeographical consequences

Daniel VACHARD et al.

769-777, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (92) DOI

en The Mesozoic Laurasian family Parandrexidae (Insecta: Coleoptera), new species from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain

Carmen SORIANO et al.

779-784, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (93) DOI

en A new thalattosuchian crocodyliform from the Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) of northeastern Mexico

Marie-Céline BUCHY et al.

785-794, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (94) DOI

en A new marine fish fauna from the pre-evaporitic Messinian of Gavdos Island (Greece)

Jean GAUDANT et al.

795-802, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (95) DOI

en Eurotestudo, a new genus for the species Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 (Chelonii, Testudinidae)

France de LAPPARENT de BROIN et al.

803-811, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (96) DOI

en Amphilemuridae (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) éocènes d'Europe occidentale : nouvelles données taxonomiques

Élodie MAITRE et al.

813-820, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (97) DOI

fr Une occupation humaine au Pléistocène inférieur sur la bordure nord du Massif central

Jackie DESPRIÉE et al.

821-828, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (98) DOI

fr Pétroarchéologie du silex : un retour aux sources


829-837, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (99) DOI

fr Le mobilier Stillbay et Howiesons Poort de l'abri Diepkloof. La chronologie du Middle Stone Age sud-africain et ses implications

Jean-Philippe RIGAUD et al.

839-849, Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (100) DOI

en Editorial Board - English

Published on 30 September 2006, art. 5 (101) DOI