

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.

Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space

Edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE, Frédérique AUDOIN, Christine LEFÈVRE, Marie-Christine MARINVAL-VIGNE, Joëlle PICHON & François POPLIN

Actes de la table ronde organisée par la R.C.P. du C.N.R.S. les 14 et 15 novembre 1985 à Paris

VIGNE J.-D., AUDOIN F., LEFÈVRE C., MARINVAL-VIGNE M.-C., PICHON J. & POPLIN F. (eds) 1987. — Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space/La découpe et le partage du corps à travers le temps et l'espace. Anthropozoologica, vol. NS (1), arts 4-22.


fr La découpe du bouquetin (Capra ibex ibex) au Paléolithique inférieur

Marylène PATOU

121-126, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (22)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Essai de reconstitution de la découpe des animaux du site néolithique de Boury-en-Vexin (Oise)

Patrice MÉNIEL

115-119, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (21)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Quelques exemples de découpe dans le Néolithique du sud-est de la France

Daniel HELMER et al.

107-113, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (20)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Découpe des bovins au Néolithique moyen à Villeneuve-Tolosane

David GEDDES et al.

97-106, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (19)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr L'ossuaire de Ribemont-sur-Ancre (Somme)

Jean-Louis CADOUX & Patrice LANCELIN

91-96, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (18)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Découpe, pelleterie et consommation des chiens gaulois à Villeneuve-Saint-Germain

Jean-Hervé YVINEC

83-90, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (17)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Quelques aspects de la technique de débitage des bovidés en boucherie gallo-romaine dans la vallée du Rhône et les Alpes du Nord

Claude OLIVE

77-80, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (16)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Le partage sacrificiel selon une loi sacrée de Cos (IVe siècle avant J.-C.)


71-76, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (15)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Les chèvres du Monte-Ozol (Italie) : découpe et sacrifice durant le premier Âge du Fer


67-69, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (14)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.

fr Sacrifice et découpe en Grèce ancienne

Jean-Louis DURAND

59-65, Published on 02 May 1987, art. NS (13)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Cutting and sharing of the body across time and space edited by Jean-Denis VIGNE et al.
