

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


en Animal remains in mortuary contexts in Southern Patagonia: a case study in lake Salitroso (Santa Cruz, Argentina)

Diego RINDEL et al.

97-119, Published on 12 July 2024, art. 59 (7) DOI

en Management of feral goats Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758 in insular southern Greece: implications for prehistory


77-95, Published on 14 June 2024, art. 59 (6) DOI

fr Présence, perception et prévention de la fasciolose ovine aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles


53-75, Published on 17 May 2024, art. 59 (5) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

fr Expertum est a nobis pluries: observation des oiseaux d’eau et expérimentation dans le De arte venandi cum avibus de Frédéric II de Hohenstaufen (1194-1250)


37-52, Published on 12 April 2024, art. 59 (4) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

fr Titiller, manipuler et observer les animaux chez Abū l-Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī (m. 1169)

Jean-Charles DUCÈNE

29-35, Published on 15 March 2024, art. 59 (3) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

fr Observer le comportement animal dans l’Antiquité – Induction des protocoles à partir des pratiques actuelles en écologie comportementale

Pascaline LE GOUAR et al.

15-27, Published on 16 February 2024, art. 59 (2) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

fr Observations zoologiques et expériences dans le Kitāb al-Ḥayawān d’al-Ǧāḥiẓ


1-13, Published on 19 January 2024, art. 59 (1) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.


en Aristotle on the anatomy of the heart and lungs (HA 1.17): new insights from a multidisciplinary approach


131-143, Published on 20 December 2023, art. 58 (13) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

fr Savoirs, observations et expériences sur l’animal exotique captif (IXe-XVe siècle)

Thierry BUQUET

115-129, Published on 17 November 2023, art. 58 (12) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.

en Anatomies of Aristotle’s Anatomai

Andrea Libero CARBONE

107-114, Published on 20 October 2023, art. 58 (11) DOI
This article is a part of the thematic issue Zoological observation, experience and experimentation on animals. Antiquity - Middle Ages edited by Anaelle BROSETA et al.
