

This page lists the articles of the journal Adansonia ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


en Novitates neocaledonicae XIV: A third species of Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook.f. & Thomson from New Caledonia and lectotypification of G. obtusatus (Baill.) R.M.K. Saunders

Jérôme MUNZINGER et al.

327-335, Published on 28 August 2023, art. 45 (20) DOI

fr Liste annotée des Goodyerinae Klotzsch (Orchidaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie avec la description de deux nouvelles espèces

Marc PIGNAL et al.

307-325, Published on 24 July 2023, art. 45 (19) DOI

fr Un synopsis du genre Calanthe R.Br. (Collabieae, Orchidaceae) en Nouvelle-Calédonie, avec la caractérisation de deux nothoespèces

Marc PIGNAL et al.

293-305, Published on 17 July 2023, art. 45 (18) DOI

en A new species of Justicia L. (Acanthaceae) from Tamil Nadu, India

Prakasam RAJA et al.

285-291, Published on 10 July 2023, art. 45 (17) DOI

en Novelties from the Northern Mountains Complex of Madagascar VII: A new species of Senecio L. (Compositae)


279-283, Published on 03 July 2023, art. 45 (16) DOI

en Homalium coriaceum Jongkind, sp. nov. (Salicaceae): a new and Critically Endangered tree from Liberia

Carel Christiaan Hugo JONGKIND

273-277, Published on 26 June 2023, art. 45 (15) DOI

en Clitoria ternatea L. var. angustifolia Hochst. ex Baker (Fabaceae): new varietal record to Asia from India


267-271, Published on 20 June 2023, art. 45 (14) DOI

fr L’herbier Daniel Pellé (DP) – La collection d’un botaniste amateur de l’Aube (France)

Emmanuel CÔTEZ et al.

211-266, Published on 18 June 2023, art. 45 (13) DOI

en Bark anatomy of lianescent Bignoniaceae: a generic synopsis

Marcelo R. PACE et al.

167-210, Published on 30 May 2023, art. 45 (12) DOI

en Lectotypification of three names in the genus Blumea DC. (Asteraceae)

Muthalaveettil DILSHA & George SATHEESH

161-166, Published on 22 May 2023, art. 45 (11) DOI
