
Lorenzo ROOK

Publications de l'auteur

Fascicule thématique coordonné

Biogéographie et écologie du Pléistocène inférieur européen d’après les archives mammaliennes : études de cas et synthèses préliminaires

KOSTOPOULOS D. S., KONIDARIS G. E., TESAKOV A., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. W. & ROOK L. (eds) 2018. — European early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses/Biogéographie et écologie du Pléistocène inférieur européen d’après les archives mammaliennes : études de cas et synthèses préliminaires. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 17 (4-5), arts 28-40.

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Geopalaeontological setting, chronology and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin continental successions (Late Miocene, Italy)

ROOK L. 2016. — Geopalaeontological setting, chronology and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin continental successions (Late Miocene, Italy). Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (7): 825-836.

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The wide ranging genus Eucyon Tedford & Qiu, 1996 (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canini) in the Mio-Pliocene of the Old World

ROOK L. 2009. — The wide ranging genus Eucyon Tedford & Qiu, 1996 (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canini) in the Mio-Pliocene of the Old World, in PEIGNÉ S. & MERCERON G. (eds), Louis de Bonis: 50 years of paleontological research on mammals. Geodiversitas 31 (4): 723-741.

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The ontogenetic pattern of Hippopotamus gorgops Dietrich, 1928 revealed by a juvenile cranium from the one-million-years-old paleoanthropological site of Buia (Eritrea)

Martínez-Navarro B., Pandolfi L., Medin T., Libsekal Y., Ghinassi M., Papini M. & ROOK L. 2022. — The ontogenetic pattern of Hippopotamus gorgops Dietrich, 1928 revealed by a juvenile cranium from the one-million-years-old paleoanthropological site of Buia (Eritrea). Comptes Rendus Palevol 21 (7): 157-173.

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On the status of the giant mylodontine sloth Glossotherium wegneri (Spillmann, 1931) (Xenarthra, Folivora) from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador

DE IULIIS G., BOSCAINI A., PUJOS F., McAfee R. K., CARTELLE C., TSUJI L. J. S. & ROOK L. 2020. — On the status of the giant mylodontine sloth Glossotherium wegneri (Spillmann, 1931) (Xenarthra, Folivora) from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2020 (12): 215-232.

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The latest Miocene Rhinocerotidae from Sahabi (Libya)

PANDOLFI L. & ROOK L. 2019. — The latest Miocene Rhinocerotidae from Sahabi (Libya). Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 (4): 442-448.

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Before and after the earliest Homo dispersal in Europe: Evidence from the early Pleistocene sites of the Italian Peninsula

SARDELLA R., BELLUCCI L., BONA F., CHERIN M., IURINO D. A. & ROOK L. 2018. — Before and after the earliest Homo dispersal in Europe: Evidence from the early Pleistocene sites of the Italian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (4-5): 287-295.

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European Early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses

KOSTOPOULOS D. S., KONIDARIS G., TESAKOV A., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. W. & ROOK L. 2018. — European Early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (4-5): 239-245.

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Enamel thickness and enamel growth in Oreopithecus : Combining microtomographic and histological evidence

ZANOLLI C., DEAN C., ROOK L., BONDIOLI L., MAZURIER A. & MACCHIARELLI R. 2016. — Enamel thickness and enamel growth in Oreopithecus : Combining microtomographic and histological evidence. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (1-2): 209-226.

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First approach of the life history of Prolagus apricenicus (Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha) from Terre Rosse sites (Gargano, Italy) using body mass estimation and paleohistological analysis

MONCUNILL-SOLÉ B., ORLANDI-OLIVERAS G., JORDANA X., ROOK L. & KÖHLER M. 2016. — First approach of the life history of Prolagus apricenicus (Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha) from Terre Rosse sites (Gargano, Italy) using body mass estimation and paleohistological analysis. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (1-2): 227-237.

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Pannonictis nestii (Galictinae, Mustelidae), a new element in the vertebrate association of the human site of Pirro Nord (Italy, Early Pleistocene)

COLOMBERO S., PAVIA M. & ROOK L. 2012. — Pannonictis nestii (Galictinae, Mustelidae), a new element in the vertebrate association of the human site of Pirro Nord (Italy, Early Pleistocene). Geodiversitas 2012 (3): 665-681.

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The African species Megantereon whitei from the Early Pleistocene of Monte Argentario (South Tuscany, Central Italy)

SARDELLA R., PETRUCCI M. & ROOK L. 2008. — The African species Megantereon whitei from the Early Pleistocene of Monte Argentario (South Tuscany, Central Italy). Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (8): 601-606.

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The end of the Lago-Mare time in the SE Valdelsa Basin (Central Italy): interference between local tectonism and regional sea-level rise

ABBAZZI L., BENVENUTI M., CECI M. E., ESU D., FARANDA C., ROOK L. & TANGOCCI F. 2008. — The end of the Lago-Mare time in the SE Valdelsa Basin (Central Italy): interference between local tectonism and regional sea-level rise. Geodiversitas 2008 (3): 611-639.

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Agamid lizards from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sardinia (Italy) and an overview of the European fossil record of the family

DELFINO M., KOTSAKIS T., ARCA M., TUVERI C., PITRUZZELLA G. & ROOK L. 2008. — Agamid lizards from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sardinia (Italy) and an overview of the European fossil record of the family. Geodiversitas 2008 (3): 641-656.

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Fossil sea turtles (Chelonii, Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae) from the Miocene of Pietra Leccese (late Burdigalian-early Messinian), Southern Italy

CHESI F., DELFINO M., VAROLA A. & ROOK L. 2007. — Fossil sea turtles (Chelonii, Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae) from the Miocene of Pietra Leccese (late Burdigalian-early Messinian), Southern Italy. Geodiversitas 2007 (2): 321-333.

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Gradual evolution in the African hunting dog lineage Systematic implications

MARTÍNEZ-NAVARRO B. & ROOK L. 2003. — Gradual evolution in the African hunting dog lineage Systematic implications. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (8): 695-702.

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