
Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (3)

Publié le
31 mars 2013

fr Équipe de rédaction

Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (17) DOI

en Ammonite taphonomy and stratigraphy of the Bajocian at Maizet, south of Caen (Calvados, NW France)

Giulio PAVIA et al.

137-148, Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (18) DOI

en X-ray computed tomography: A promising tool to investigate the brachiopod shell interior. Effects on 3D modelling and taxonomy


149-158, Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (19) DOI

en A basal oxyteline rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China: Oldest record for the tribe Euphaniini

Chenyang CAI et al.

159-163, Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (20) DOI

en Earliest occurrence of Puma pardoides (Owen, 1846) (Carnivora, Felidae) at the Plio/Pleistocene transition in western Europe: New evidence from the Middle Villafranchian assemblage of Montopoli, Italy

Marco CHERIN et al.

165-171, Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (21) DOI

en Sourcing obsidian from Tell Aswad and Qdeir 1 (Syria) by SEM-EDS and EDXRF: Methodological implications

Marie ORANGE et al.

173-180, Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (22) DOI

en Editorial Board

Publié le 31 mars 2013, art. 12 (23) DOI