

Publications de l'auteur


Sellithyridinae Terebratulidae du crétacé d’Europe Occidentale

GASPARD D. 1988. — Sellithyridinae Terebratulidae du crétacé d’Europe Occidentale : Dynamique des populations – Systématique et Évolution. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 296p. (Cahiers de Paléontologie ; 15).

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Shell asymmetry in Cretaceous Cyclothyrididae (Brachiopoda): variability, ontogeny and terminology

GASPARD D., PACCARD D. & BARDIN J. 2024. — Shell asymmetry in Cretaceous Cyclothyrididae (Brachiopoda): variability, ontogeny and terminology. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2024 (13): 171-184.

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X-ray computed tomography: A promising tool to investigate the brachiopod shell interior. Effects on 3D modelling and taxonomy

GASPARD D. 2013. — X-ray computed tomography: A promising tool to investigate the brachiopod shell interior. Effects on 3D modelling and taxonomy. Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (3): 149-158.

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Brachiopods from the White Chalk of Meudon (Upper Campanian) of the dˈOrbigny collection (NMHN, Paris)

GASPARD D. 2002. — Les Brachiopodes de la craie blanche de Meudon (Campanien supérieur) de la collection dˈOrbigny (MNHN, Paris). Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (7): 573-585.

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