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Homininés et outils. Expansions depuis l’Afrique vers l’Eurasie
COPPENS Y. & VIALET A. (eds) 2018. — Hominins and tools. Expansion from Africa towards Eurasia/Homininés et outils. Expansions depuis l’Afrique vers l’Eurasie. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 17 (1-2), arts 1-17.
Hominins and tools. Expansion from Africa towards Eurasia
VIALET A. 2018. — Hominins and tools. Expansion from Africa towards Eurasia. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (1-2): 4-5.
The Kocabaş hominin (Denizli Basin, Turkey) at the crossroads of Eurasia: New insights from morphometric and cladistic analyses
VIALET A., PRAT S., WILS P. & CIHAT ALÇIÇEK M. 2018. — The Kocabaş hominin (Denizli Basin, Turkey) at the crossroads of Eurasia: New insights from morphometric and cladistic analyses. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (1-2): 17-32.
Homo erectus found still further west: Reconstruction of the Kocabaş cranium (Denizli, Turkey)
VIALET A., GUIPERT G. & CIHAT ALÇIÇEK M. 2012. — Homo erectus found still further west: Reconstruction of the Kocabaş cranium (Denizli, Turkey). Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (2-3): 89-95.
Homo erectus from the Yunxian and Nankin Chinese sites: Anthropological insights using 3D virtual imaging techniques
VIALET A., GUIPERT G., JIANING H., XIAOBO F., ZUNE L., YOUPING W., TIANYUAN L., DE LUMLEY M.-A. & DE LUMLEY H. 2010. — Homo erectus from the Yunxian and Nankin Chinese sites: Anthropological insights using 3D virtual imaging techniques. Comptes Rendus Palevol 9 (6-7): 331-339.
Proposition de reconstitution du deuxième crâne d’Homo erectus de Yunxian (Chine)
VIALET A., LI T., GRIMAUD-HERVÉ D., DE LUMLEY M.-A., LIAO M. & FENG X. 2005. — Proposition de reconstitution du deuxième crâne d’ Homo erectus de Yunxian (Chine). Comptes Rendus Palevol 4 (3): 265-274.