The taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the species of Calanthe R.Br. in New Caledonia is reviewed and two nothospecies are defined: C. × oreadum Rendle and C. × villegentei, nothosp. nov. IUCN status of these taxa are given and identification keys are provided in French and in English. Lectotypes for the following species are designated here: Calanthe bachmaensis Gagnep., C. balansae Finet, C. chrysantha Schltr., C. neocaledonica Rendle, C. nephroglossa Schltr., C. × oreadum Rendle, C. orthocentron Schltr., C. saccifera Kraenzl., C. vaupeliana Kraenzl., Phaius daenikeri Kraenzl., P. incarvillei var. speciosus Guillaumin et P. monticolus Guillaumin, as well as the neotype of Calanthe bigibba Schltr.
Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Collabieae, New Caledonia, lectotypification, IUCN status, lectotypifications, neotypification, new nothospecies