

This page lists the articles of the journal Geodiversitas ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


en Stratigraphy, palaeoclimatology and palaeogeography of the Late Palaeozoic continental deposits in the Czech Republic

Stanislav OPLUSTIL & Jirí PESEK

597-620, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (23)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

en Stratigraphic correlations between the continental and marine Tethyan and Peri-Tethyan basins during the Late Carboniferous and the Early Permian

Alain IZART et al.

521-595, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (22)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

fr en Introduction


519-520, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (21)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

en Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. 12. Paleoecology, biogeography and biochronology

Sevket SEN et al.

497-510, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (19)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

en Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. 11. Isotopic investigation

Hervé BOCHERENS & Sevket SEN

487-495, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (18)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

fr Le gisement de vertébrés pliocènes de Çalta, Ankara, Turquie. 10. Bovidae

Geneviève BOUVRAIN

467-485, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (17)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

fr Le gisement de vertébrés pliocènes de Çalta, Ankara, Turquie. 9. Cervidae et Giraffidae


455-465, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (16)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

fr Le gisement de vertébrés pliocènes de Çalta, Ankara, Turquie. 8. Suidae

Claude GUÉRIN et al.

441-453, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (15)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

en Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey. 7. Hipparion


409-439, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (14)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN

fr Le gisement de vertébrés pliocènes de Çalta, Ankara, Turquie. 6. Rhinocerotidae

Claude GUÉRIN & Sevket SEN

397-407, Published on 30 September 1998, art. 20 (13)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Pliocene vertebrate locality of Çalta, Ankara, Turkey edited by Sevket SEN
