

This page lists the articles of the journal Geodiversitas ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


en New anatomical information on Holonema (Placodermi) based on material from the Frasnian Gogo Formation and the Givetian-Frasnian Gneudna Formation, Western Australia


69-84, Published on 31 March 1999, art. 21 (4)

fr Les vertébrés (Placodermi, Galeaspida) du Dévonien inférieur de la coupe de Lung Cô-Mia Lé, Province de Hà Giang, Viêt Nam, avec des données complémentaires sur les gisements à vertébrés du Dévonien du Bac Bo oriental

Philippe JANVIER & Ta Hoa PHUONG

33-67, Published on 31 March 1999, art. 21 (3)

fr Cycleryon propinquus (Crustacea, Decapoda) des calcaires lithographiques du Tithonien inférieur de Canjuers (Var, France)

René-Pierre CARRIOL & Sylvie SECRETAN

25-31, Published on 31 March 1999, art. 21 (2)

fr Willi Hennig et l'objet paléontologique

Pascal TASSY

5-23, Published on 31 March 1999, art. 21 (1)


fr Quelques données stratigraphiques sur le Permien inférieur du Salt Range (Pakistan)

Nayyer IQBAL et al.

723-730, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (29)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

fr Les affleurements d'âge carbonifère et permien de la région du golfe de Suez, Égypte : codification et corrélation stratigraphique

Mahmoud KORA

701-721, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (28)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

fr La bordure est du Bassin précaspien et le bassin d'avant-pays de l'Oural (Kazakhstan) au Carbonifère et Permien inférieur

Talgat ENSEPBAEV et al.

687-700, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (27)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

en Evolution trends in Middle Carboniferous Petalaxidae (Rugosa)


663-685, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (26)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

en Facies and biostratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian sedimentary sequence in the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy)


643-662, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (25)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.

en Late Carboniferous to Early Permian time interval in the Western Carpathians: Northern Tethys Margin


621-641, Published on 30 December 1998, art. 20 (24)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 2 edited by Sylvie CRASQUIN-SOLEAU et al.
