

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


fr Tarpan ou Konik polski ? Mythe contemporain et outil de gestion écologique

Bernadette LIZET & Piotr DASZKIEWICZ

63-72, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (6)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

en Cows, sheep, peasants and landowners. The social logic of animal spaces in a rural region of western Spain.


55-62, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (5)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Faunes sauvages et sociétés humaines sur les îles méditerranéennes : exemples corses

Jean-Denis VIGNE

41-54, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (4)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Pour une ethnoculture de l'élevage vaches et « généalogies » dans la mémoire collective


31-39, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (3)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Allées et venues dans l'espace humain : déclin des populations de caribou et notion de cycle chez les scientifiques et les Inuit du Québec arctique

Douglas NAKASHIMA & Marie Michèle ROUÉ

21-30, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (2)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr La pêche est au bout du jardin... Deux îles, hier et aujourd'hui


7-20, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (1)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.


en The emblematic elephant: a preliminary approach to the elephant in Renaissance thought and art

Laura ORSI

69-86, Published on 01 February 1995, art. 20 (5)

fr Les chevaux découpés du village d'Acy-Romance et l’hippophagie en Gaule septentrionale

Patrice MÉNIEL

55-68, Published on 01 February 1995, art. 20 (4)

fr La domestication des animaux d'embouche dans le Levant nord (Syrie du nord et Sinjar) du milieu du IXe millénaire BP à la fin du VIIIe millénaire BP. Nouvelles données d'après les fouilles


41-54, Published on 01 February 1995, art. 20 (3)

fr Bêtes médiévales et familiarité : animaux familiers de l'esprit, animaux familiers de la vie


11-40, Published on 01 February 1995, art. 20 (2)
