

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.


fr En rond ou en long ? Aires de découpes de poissons du littoral balouche (Makran pakistanais)


163-170, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (16)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

en Taming the wild: encroachment and control of animal space


157-161, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (15)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Chasseurs magdaléniens et rennes en bassin de l’Aude : analyse préliminaire


147-156, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (14)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Le fonctionnement de la cellule domestique d'après l'étude des restes osseux d'animaux : le cas d'un village néolithique du lac de Chalain (Jura, France)

Rose-Marie ARBOGAST et al.

131-146, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (13)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Préparation et stockage des saumons sur la Fraser (Colombie britannique)


123-130, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (12)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Zones d'activités, zones de déchets dans les gisements en abri au Paléolithique : informations fournies par les ossements de grands mammifères


115-122, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (11)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Modifications de l'aire de répartition du lapin (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en France et en Espagne, du Pléistocène à l'époque actuelle. État de la question


95-114, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (10)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Le grand singe : parent, modèle ou pair ?

Albert DUCROS & Jacqueline DUCROS

87-94, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (9)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Le critère spatial dans la classification des animaux en Grèce ancienne


79-86, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (8)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.

fr Restes et reliefs : présence de l'homme et de l'ours des cavernes dans la grotte de Montespan-Ganties, Haute-Garonne

Michel-Alain GARCIA & Philippe MOREL

73-78, Published on 01 November 1995, art. 21 (7)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal in man's space, man in the animal space. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of HASRI, Genova, 23-25 November 1994 edited by Christian CHAIX et al.
