
La domestication des animaux d'embouche dans le Levant nord (Syrie du nord et Sinjar) du milieu du IXe millénaire BP à la fin du VIIIe millénaire BP. Nouvelles données d'après les fouilles


fr Anthropozoologica 20 - Pages 41-54

Published on 01 February 1995

The domestication of butchery animals in the Northern Levant (North Syria and Sinjar) from the middle of the 9th millennium to the 8th millennium BP. New data from recent excavations

The origins of ungulate domestication are still a subject of debate. Recent studies of new sites under excavation together with those already excavated permit us to re-evaluate different hypotheses. Three hypotheses have been confirmed: the emergence of domesticated Caprines in the middle PPNB and the presence of domestic cattle and that of pig in the late PPNB. One hypothesis still requires confirmation: that the goat was the first animal to have been domesticated. The last hypothesis has no universal value: that there was proto-herding of cattle. Finally two new hypotheses need to be tested: the low economic importance of early domestication, and the importance of cattle as pack animals for the diffusion of pottery and for nomadic pastoralism.


Pig, Cattle, Ovicaprids, Domestication, Syria, PPNB.

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