

This page lists the articles of the journal Anthropozoologica ; you can filter the content (multiple choices) using the form below.

Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin

Edited by Pierre BONTE, Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE, Daniel HELMER & Hassan SIDI MAAMAR

BONTE P., BRISEBARRE A.-M., HELMER D. & SIDI MAAMAR H. (eds) 2004. — Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin/Domestications animales : dimensions sociales et symboliques. Hommages à Jacques Cauvin, Villeurbanne, 21-23 novembre 2002. Anthropozoologica, vol. 39 (1), arts 1-25.


fr Le nahualli : homme-dieu et double animal au Mexique


371-381, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (25)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr La naissance des monstres dans l'imaginaire proche-oriental

Virginie DANREY

365-370, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (24)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Abattage du porc et mascarade : la gestion d’une dichotomie


351-363, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (23)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Entre mythes et sacrifices. Le dossier inachevé de la cynophagie dans le monde berbère

Pierre BONTE

343-350, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (22)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Les boeufs africains à cornes déformées : quelques éléments de réflexion


335-342, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (21)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Ethnographie de l'action de la bioéthique dans l’espace public : l’exemple de l’élevage des animaux à fourrure

Jacqueline MILLIET

311-334, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (20)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Odeur sui generis. Le subterfuge dans la domestication du palmier dattier (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algérie)


301-309, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (19)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Des animaux ni sauvages ni domestiques, les «girafes des Blancs» au Niger


289-300, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (18)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Représentations sociales de la domestication des animaux sauvages dans l’ouest du monde touareg (Mali)

Catherine HINCKER

275-288, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (17)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.

fr Les premiers animaux de compagnie, 8500 ans avant notre ère ? ou comment j'ai mangé mon chat, mon chien et mon renard

Jean-Denis VIGNE & Jean GUILAINE

249-273, Published on 30 July 2004, art. 39 (16)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Animal domestications: social and symbolic dimensions. Homage to Jacques Cauvin edited by Pierre BONTE et al.
