Nathalie BARDET
Publications de l'auteur
Fascicules thématiques coordonnés
Paléobiologie et paléobiogéographie des amphibiens et reptiles : un hommage à Jean-Claude Rage
FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. (eds) 2021. — Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage/Paléobiologie et paléobiogéographie des amphibiens et reptiles : un hommage à Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 20, ; vol. 20, arts 6, 7, 13, 15, 20, 23, 26 ; vol. 21, arts 23, 25 ; vol. 22, art. 11.
Paléobiologie et paléobiogéographie des amphibiens et reptiles : un hommage à Jean-Claude Rage
FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. (eds) 2019. — Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage/Paléobiologie et paléobiogéographie des amphibiens et reptiles : un hommage à Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 18 (7), arts 69-86.
Un hommage à France de Lapparent de Broin
LAURIN M. & BARDET N. (eds) 2015. — A tribute to France de Lapparent de Broin/Un hommage à France de Lapparent de Broin. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 14 (6-7), arts 50-66.
New marine vertebrates (elasmobranchs, actinopterygians, reptiles) from the Upper Cretaceous Arabic Platform of SE Turkey
BARDET N., GUINOT G., YILMAZ İ. Ö. & HOŞGÖR İ. 2022. — New marine vertebrates (elasmobranchs, actinopterygians, reptiles) from the Upper Cretaceous Arabic Platform of SE Turkey. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2022 (38): 837-845.
Rediscovery of “Liodon” asiaticum Répelin, 1915, a Mosasaurini (Squamata, Mosasauridae, Mosasaurinae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the vicinity of Jerusalem – Biostratigraphical insights from microfossils
BARDET N., Desmares D., SANCHEZ-PELLICER R. & GARDIN S. 2021. — Rediscovery of “Liodon” asiaticum Répelin, 1915, a Mosasaurini (Squamata, Mosasauridae, Mosasaurinae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the vicinity of Jerusalem – Biostratigraphical insights from microfossils, in FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. (eds), Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (20): 351-372.
A new mosasauroid (Squamata) from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Morocco
BARDET N., SUBERBIOLA X. P. & JALIL N.-E. 2003. — A new mosasauroid (Squamata) from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Morocco. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (8): 607-616.
A new polycotylid plesiosaur from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Morocco
BARDET N., SUBERBIOLA X. P. & JALIL N.-E. 2003. — A new polycotylid plesiosaur from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Morocco. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (5): 307-315.
Marine reptiles from the Late Cretaceous Phosphates of Jordan: palaeobiogeographical implications
BARDET N. & PEREDA SUBERBIOLA X. 2002. — Marine reptiles from the Late Cretaceous Phosphates of Jordan: palaeobiogeographical implications. Geodiversitas 2002 (4): 831-839.
Mosasaurus hoffmanni, le ""Grand Animal fossile des Carrières de Maestricht"" : deux siècles d'histoire
BARDET N. & JAGT J. W. M. 1996. — Mosasaurus hoffmanni, le ""Grand Animal fossile des Carrières de Maestricht"" : deux siècles d'histoire. Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section C – Sciences de la Terre, Paléontologie, Géologie, Minéralogie 1996 (4): 569-593.
Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage – Part II
FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. 2023. — Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage – Part II, in FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. (eds), Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude RagePalaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 22 (11): 201-206.
Stratigraphy, age, and vertebrate palaeontology of the latest Cretaceous Quintanilla la Ojada locality (Basque-Cantabrian Region, northern Spain): a synthesis
Corral J.-C., Berreteaga A., Poyato-Ariza F. J., BARDET N., Cappetta H., Floquet M., Astibia H., Badiola A. & Pereda-Suberbiola X. 2021. — Stratigraphy, age and vertebrate palaeontology of the latest Cretaceous Quintanilla la Ojada locality (Basque-Cantabrian Region, northern Spain): a synthesis, in Folie A., Buffetaut E., Bardet N., Houssaye A., Gheerbrant E. & Laurin M. (eds), Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (7): 91-117.
Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage – Part I
FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT, E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E., LAURIN M., FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. 2019. — Paléobiologie et paléobiogéographie des amphibiens et reptiles : un hommage à Jean-Claude Rage – 1 re partie. Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 (7): 693-697.
A tribute to France de Lapparent de Broin
LAURIN M. & BARDET N. 2015. — A tribute to France de Lapparent de Broin. Comptes Rendus Palevol 14 (6-7): 437-441.
First dinosaur and turtle remains from the latest Cretaceous shallow marine deposits of Albaina (Laño quarry, Iberian Peninsula)
PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA X., PÉREZ-GARCÍA A., CORRAL J. C., MURELAGA X., MARTIN G., LARRAÑAGA J., BARDET N., BERRETEAGA A. & COMPANY J. 2015. — First dinosaur and turtle remains from the latest Cretaceous shallow marine deposits of Albaina (Laño quarry, Iberian Peninsula). Comptes Rendus Palevol 14 (6-7): 471-482.
Mosasauroid (Squamata) discovery in the Late Cretaceous (Early Campanian) continental deposits of Villeveyrac–L’Olivet, southern France
GARCIA G., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA X. & VALENTIN X. 2015. — Mosasauroid (Squamata) discovery in the Late Cretaceous (Early Campanian) continental deposits of Villeveyrac–L’Olivet, southern France. Comptes Rendus Palevol 14 (6-7): 495-505.
A strange new chelonioid turtle from the Latest Cretaceous Phosphates of Morocco
DE LAPPARENT DE BROIN F., BARDET N., AMAGHZAZ M. & MESLOUH S. 2014. — A strange new chelonioid turtle from the Latest Cretaceous Phosphates of Morocco. Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (2): 87-95.
Euclastes acutirostris , a new species of littoral turtle (Cryptodira, Cheloniidae) from the Palaeocene phosphates of Morocco (Oulad Abdoun Basin, Danian-Thanetian)
JALIL N.-E., DE LAPPARENT DE BROIN F., BARDET N., VACANT R., BOUYA B., AMAGHZAZ M. & MESLOUH S. 2009. — Euclastes acutirostris , a new species of littoral turtle (Cryptodira, Cheloniidae) from the Palaeocene phosphates of Morocco (Oulad Abdoun Basin, Danian-Thanetian). Comptes Rendus Palevol 8 (5): 447-459.
Variation in bone histology of middle Eocene sirenians from western Europe
BUFFRÉNIL V. de, ASTIBIA H., PEREDA SUBERBIOLA X., BERRETEAGA A. & BARDET N. 2008. — Variation in bone histology of middle Eocene sirenians from western Europe. Geodiversitas 30 (2): 425-432.