A new species of Iraella Nieves-Aldrey, 1994 (Cynipidae Latreille, 1802: Aylacini Ashmead, 1903) is described from South East Romania (Dobrudja province), Iraella ionescui n. sp., which induces galls in the base of stems of Papaver rhoeas L. The most important diagnostic characteristics for the adults and galls of the new species are discussed and illustrated. In addition, Aylax papaveris (Perris, 1840), Barbotinia oraniensis (Barbotin, 1964) and Aylax minor Hartig, 1840 are also reported from Romania for the first times. The lectotypes of Barbotinia oraniensis (Barbotin, 1964) and Parnips nigripes (Barbotin, 1964) are designated. A key to all Aylacini species inducing galls on poppies is given. In addition, a list of parasitoids reared from cynipid galls on Papaver spp. is provided.
Cynipidae, Iraella, Aylax, Barbotinia, Papaver, parasitoids, Romania, lectotypifications, new records, new species.