
Zoosystema 37 (3)

Published on
25 September 2015

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37,50 €

fr Paul Philippe Sanguin de Jossigny (1750-1827), artiste de Philibert Commerson. Les dessins de reptiles de Madagascar, de Rodrigues et des Seychelles

Roger BOUR

415-448, Published on 25 September 2015, art. 37 (21) DOI LSID

en Sanidaster in Freshwater Sponges: an unexpected spicule for the birotuled Genus Corvoheteromeyenia Ezcurra de Drago, 1979

Ulisses PINHEIRO et al.

449-456, Published on 25 September 2015, art. 37 (22) DOI LSID

en Revision of the Eupelmidae Walker, 1833 described by Jean Risbec. Part 1: the slide mounted specimens housed at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris

Lucian FUSU et al.

457-480, Published on 25 September 2015, art. 37 (23) DOI LSID

en New species of Muricidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Western Indian Ocean

Roland HOUART & Virginie HÉROS

481-503, Published on 25 September 2015, art. 37 (24) DOI LSID

en Species of Aylacini Ashmead, 1903 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) inducing galls on Papaver L. (Papavaceae) from Romania with description of a new species and notes on parasitoids (Hymenoptera)


505-515, Published on 25 September 2015, art. 37 (25) DOI LSID