The present contribution discusses species of Russula subsection Roseinae Singer ex Sarnari from the southern hemisphere. Russula incrustata Buyck, sp. nov. and R. koniamboensis Buyck, sp. nov. are described from New Caledonia, R. purpureotincta R.F.R. McNabb from New Zealand is redescribed based on new collections and two sequestrate species, R. albobrunnea T.Lebel from Australia and R. kermesina (R.F.R. McNabb) T.Lebel from New Zealand are shown to be the first known sequestrate taxa in Roseinae. The systematic placement and originality of these southern taxa is discussed. The definition of subsection Roseinae is emended.
Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, biogeography, phylogeny, new species