
Molecular phylogeny and morphology reveal a new species of genus Rhodocybe sensu stricto Maire (Entolomataceae; Agaricales) from Pakistan

Zaman KHAN & Abdul Nasir KHALID

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 45 (10) - Pages 127-137

Published on 03 October 2024

This study describes a new species of genus Rhodocybe (Fr.) Maire, R. pakistanica sp. nov., from Pakistan. The novel species can be recognized morphologically by convex to hemispherical or applanate to planoconvex and centrally depressed pileus which is dull reddish brown at the center and dull orange pale at margins having bright patches, light yellow to orange or light to gray lamellae, dull to pale reddish or light reddish gray to grayish red stipe having whitish fibrillose surface and basal mycelial threads. Microscopically, it is recognized by ovoid or oblong and cyanophilic basidiospores, lanceolate, subulate or ventricose-rostrate cheilo- and pleurocystidia with golden ochre or pale yellowish refringent contents, and the presence of gloeoplerous hyphae in lamellar and pileal trama having golden refractive contents. Macro and microscopic data and molecular phylogenetic analysis based on two nrDNA regions including internal transcribed spacers (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS) and D1/D2 domain of large subunit (28S) indicate that the present taxon is a new species.


Pakistan, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes, phylogenetic analysis, morphology, cystidia, new species

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