
Fungal biodiversity profiles 111-120

Bart BUYCK, Guillaume EYSSARTIER, François ARMADA, Adriana CORRALES, Manoj E. HEMBROM, Walter ROSSI, Jean-Michel BELLANGER, Kanad DAS, Bálint DIMA, Aniket GHOSH, Machiel Evert NOORDELOOS, Arvind PARIHAR, Irmgard KRISAI-GREILHUBER, Marco LEONARDI, Cathrin MANZ, Michelle VERA, Jordi VILA, Katarína ADAMČÍKOVÁ, Enrico BIZIO, Miroslav CABOŇ, Felix HAMPE, Meike PIEPENBRING & Slavomír ADAMČÍK

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 43 (2) - Pages 23-61

Published on 03 March 2022

In this new series of Fungal Biodiversity Profiles, the authors provide descriptions for ten new taxa: Ilytheomyces uncinatus W. Rossi & M. Leonardi, sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) and several Basidiomycota: in family Entolomataceae for Entoloma aurantioalpinum Armada, Vila, Bellanger, Noordel., Krisai & Dima, sp. nov. and E. nigroflavescens Armada, Bellanger, Noordel. & Dima, sp. nov., both from France; in family Inocybaceae for Inocybe hebes Eyssart. & Buyck, sp. nov., I. media Eyssart. & Buyck, sp. nov. and I. leucophaea Eyssart. & Buyck, sp. nov., all three gathered from miombo woodland in Zambia (Africa); in family Russulaceae, Russula ferruginea subsp. ferruginea Corrales & Vera, sp. nov. and subsp. panamanensis Corrales & Manz, subsp. nov. from Central America; in Laetiporaceae Jülich for the Indian Phaeolus sharmae Hembrom, A. Parihar, K. Das & A. Ghosh, sp. nov.; in family Vuilleminiaceae Maire for Vuilleminia tropica Hembrom, A. Ghosh, A. Parihar & K. Das, sp. nov., equally from India. All new species of Basidiomycota are supported by newly provided sequence data or already published phylogenetic analyses of sequence data.


Laboulbeniales, Basidiomycetes, phylogeny, new species

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