
Species of Puccinia Pers. nom. sanct. (rust fungi) on Bambusoideae in Belgium and in Europe


en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 41 (2) - Pages 9-20

Published on 20 March 2020

Three Puccinia Pers. nom. sanct. species (Puccinia deutziae (Dietel) Fraiture & Vanderweyen, comb. nov., Puccinia longicornis Pat. & Har. and Puccinia phyllostachydis Kusano) have been collected in Brussels and around, on cultivated bamboos. The first and the third ones are new for Belgian mycoflora. The specimens are described and illustrated. Various notes are added, including new data concerning morphology and hosts, as well as comments on two hyperparasitic fungi (Eudarluca caricis (Fr.) O.E.Erikss. and Lecanicillium muscarium (Petch) Zare & W.Gams) and a mycophagous insect (Mycodiplosis sp.) feeding on them. An analysis of the available data on the distribution of the three species shows that they are all very rare in Europe, unless they have only remained unnoticed. An identification key is proposed to Puccinia species on bamboos in Europe.


alien species, hyperparasite, identification key, distribution

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