This special issue on Cantharellus presents several papers that focus on tropical African or American chanterelles using a combined morphological-molecular approach. This important update on the taxonomy and biodiversity of Cantharellus in the world presents a total of 11 new species, five from tropical Africa and six from North America; it also introduces one new endemic section for Africa and it confirms the isolated position of the South American C. guyanensis, as already suggested by Shao et al. (2014), as sister to the Afro-Asian C. subg. Afrocantharellus thereby making it a good candidate for the recognition of an additional subgenus in Cantharellus.
Bart BUYCK et al.
259-268, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (17)Bart BUYCK et al.
269-282, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (18)André DE KESEL et al.
283-327, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (19)Bart BUYCK et al.
329-343, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (20)Bart BUYCK et al.
345-366, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (21)Bart BUYCK et al.
367-389, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (22)Bart BUYCK et al.
391-403, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (23)Bart BUYCK et al.
405-417, Published on 30 September 2016, art. 37 (24)