In the present contribution, five species of Saccobolus were isolated, cultured and described: S. glaber, S. truncatus (section Saccobolus); S. verrucisporus, S. infestons and S. versicolor (section Eriobolus). In all of them, development and life cycle were studied varying the culture media and photoperiod. After the comparative analysis, we could reach to the following conclusions: 1) the ascospores have constitutive dormancy: induction treatments made with NaOH solutions followed by incubation at 37°C, allow to obtain excellent germination in ail cases; 2) all the culture media studied are good for fruiting bodies production, being horse dung the best one; 3) light is a relevant factor for fruiting bodies production: under continuons darkness conditions, S. verrucisporus, S. infestons and S. versicolor do not produce them but do have vegetative growth in every media studied; S. glaber and S. truncatus do produce fruiting bodies without light periods, but spores are not released and have an abnormal ornamentation, and spore-clusters are aberrant.
Saccobolus, Ascomycota, coprophilous, development, light