A new species of Eomyops, Eomyops noeliae, is described. from the locality MT-20A (Morteral section, Magro basin, eastern Spain). It is intermediate in size between the large eomiid, E. hebeiseni, and the small species of the group E. catalaunicus, E. bodvanus and E. oppligeri. The age range is Lower Aragonian. MT-20A is located between deposits that contain Megacricetodon primitivus and M. collongensis. Morphologically, E. noeliae sp. nov. is clearly different from the rest of species of the genus, due to an important reduction of the lingual anteroloph of M 1,2,3 and the labial anterolophid of M 3. The lower incisor shows two parallel ridges along the enamel like the type species of the genus, E. catalaunicus. This character is basic for the distinction between Eomyops and the North American genus Leptodontomys.
Eomyops, Eomyidae, Rodentia, Lower Miocene, Spain