
Comptes Rendus Palevol 23 (fasc1)

Published on
01 January 2024

en Faire gras à Molène: dairy products and ruminant fats detected by lipid and isotopic analysis of pottery dating to the Final Neolithic-Early Bronze Age from the island site of Beg ar Loued (Molène, western Brittany, France)

Camielsa PRÉVOST et al.

1-30, Published on 15 January 2024, art. 23 (1) DOI LSID

en Tooth in the spotlight: exploring the integration of archaeological and genetic data to build multidisciplinary narratives of the Past

Francesco D’ERRICO et al.

31-43, Published on 22 January 2024, art. 23 (2) DOI LSID

en A “preglacial” giant salamander from Europe: new record from the Late Pliocene of Caucasus


45-57, Published on 29 January 2024, art. 23 (3) DOI LSID

en Ornate Bairdiidae (Ostracoda) in 3 dimensions: exploring carapace morphology and pore canals of Triebelina van den Bold, 1946, Nodobairdia Kollmann, 1963 and Mirabairdia Kollmann, 1963

Marie-Béatrice FOREL et al.

137-159, Published on 07 March 2024, art. 23 (11) DOI LSID

en The extended osteoderm shield in Paleosuchus sp.: a dwarf crocodylian adaptation to the equatorial forest ecosystem?

Francois CLARAC et al.

161-170, Published on 14 March 2024, art. 23 (12) DOI LSID

en Shell asymmetry in Cretaceous Cyclothyrididae (Brachiopoda): variability, ontogeny and terminology

Danièle GASPARD et al.

171-184, Published on 21 March 2024, art. 23 (13) DOI LSID

en Review of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World


185-196, Published on 04 April 2024, art. 23 (14) DOI LSID

en A cautionary tale from the Adriatic Palaeolithic: reassessing the stratigraphic reliability of Šandalja II cave (Istria, Croatia)

Aitor RUIZ-REDONDO et al.

197-210, Published on 11 April 2024, art. 23 (15) DOI LSID

en Review of The Advent of Phylocode. The Continuing Evolution of Biological Nomenclature

Pascal TASSY

211-216, Published on 03 May 2024, art. 23 (16) DOI LSID

en Ordovician Petraster Billings, 1858 (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) and early asteroid skeletal differentiation

Daniel B. BLAKE & Bertrand LEFEBVRE

217-239, Published on 29 May 2024, art. 23 (17) DOI LSID

en Pleistocene record of Chloephaga Eyton, 1838 (Anseriformes: Anatidae) in the Argentine Pampas, with the description of a new species

Federico Lisandro AGNOLÍN et al.

241-255, Published on 21 June 2024, art. 23 (18) DOI LSID

en New remains of Siamochoerus banmarkensis Ducrocq, Chaimanee, Suteethorn & Jaeger, 1998 (Artiodactyla: Suidae) from the late Eocene of Thailand

Stéphane DUCROCQ et al.

257-268, Published on 10 July 2024, art. 23 (19) DOI LSID

en Redescription of a small Caviidae (Rodentia: Hystricognathi) from the Neogene of northwestern Argentina and its systematic implications


269-292, Published on 08 August 2024, art. 23 (20) DOI LSID

en A new thumb phalanx from Moula Guercy (France): description and considerations of Neandertal hand use

Jean-Luc VOISIN et al.

293-323, Published on 22 August 2024, art. 23 (21) DOI LSID

en Sequestrichnia – an ethological category of marine trace fossils recording the collection and stowage of nutritional material within burrows

Alfred UCHMAN & Andreas WETZEL

325-338, Published on 30 August 2024, art. 23 (22) DOI LSID