The enigmatic vertebrate taxon Cyrtura temnospondyla is reassessed following the location and reuniting of both counterparts. The specimen, comprising a series of caudal vertebrae from the Tithonian Solnhofen Limestone, has variously been interpreted as derived either from a temnospondyl amphibian, or a turtle, or to be indeterminate. The redescription of this caudal series reveals that the vertebrae have a single centrum, in contrast to previous descriptions. This specimen is here interpreted to be the tail of a turtle more derived than Proganochelys and Meiolania , but is otherwise indeterminate and cannot be associated with any of the diagnosed taxa from the Solnhofen Limestone. C. temnospondyla lacks any diagnostic character and must therefore be considered a nomen dubium.
Caudal vertebrae, Temnospondyl, Turtle, Late Jurassic, Solnhofen