A new specimen of early basilosaurid, now identified as Basilotritus sp., comes from the late Middle Eocene of Ukraine. It has basilosaurid-type cheek teeth with cinguli, similar to those of Zygorhiza , and roots resembling those of Georgiacetus vogtlensis and early Neoceti; an unusual feature of these teeth is the presence of accessory denticles of the second order located on the crown denticles. The postcranial anatomy shows a mixture of primitive and advanced basilosaurid traits. The phylogenetic position of the genus Basilotritus is confirmed to be near the base of Basilosauridae, between Supayacetus and Zygorhiza. The ontogeny of the specimen from Nagornoye is characterized by large body size, slow skeletal maturation and intensive pachyosteosclerosis that are interpreted as neotenic development. Rapid tooth wear with strong apical abrasion is the result of specialized diet, possibly feeding on sharks.
Cetacea, Basilosauridae, Eocene, Ukraine, Growth, Neoteny, Tooth wear