
The species recognition hypothesis explains exaggerated structures in non-avialan dinosaurs better than sexual selection does


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (2) - Pages 97-107

Published on 28 February 2014

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain “bizarre structures” in dinosaurs and other extinct animals (e.g., mechanical function and several kinds of intra- and interspecific display). Recent evidence and tests for species recognition as a possible driver of these structures have been proposed, in particular as an alternative to traditional hypotheses of function and sexual selection, which have fallen short. Advocates of sexual selection and mechanical function have advanced untested hypotheses claiming that species recognition cannot be an important process in evolution. We address these claims and show that they are based on misreading of the evidence and of previous literature. We also acknowledge that there have been historically differing definitions of sexual selection, which have greatly impeded understanding of the whole phenomenon of mate attraction and choice. Particularly in fossil animals, it is impossible to accept any hypothesis as the “default” that does not require evidence or testing to establish it.


Sexual selection, Species recognition, Evolution, Dinosaurs

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