An Early Jurassic fossil bivalve specimen belonging to the pectinid genus Weyla was found within the low human occupation levels in a structure of Pukara de La Cueva, Humahuaca department, Jujuy province, Argentina. This is clearly a geologically allochthonous record, and its source should be located more than 400 km away, probably from a locality in the Main Cordillera of northern Chile or southern Perú. This evidence is part of a research project which analyzes the human interactions among the Quebrada de La Cueva sites and neighbouring productive regions, as well as the inferred interchange networks between this and other regions, both nearby and distant. In this context, the likely symbolic meaning of this record is also evaluated.
Northwest Argentina, Archaeology, Pre-Hispanic period, Interchange of goods, Symbolism, Fossil bivalve, Andes