
Comptes Rendus Palevol 10 (8)

Published on
30 November 2011

fr Équipe de rédaction

Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (69) DOI

en The earliest European badger (Meles meles), from the Late Villafranchian site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Granada, SE Iberian Peninsula)


609-615, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (70) DOI

en New Permian tetrapod footprints and macroflora from Turkey (Çakraz Formation, northwestern Anatolia): Biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications

Georges GAND et al.

617-625, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (71) DOI

en Lower Cambrian (Botomian) polycystine Radiolaria from the Altai Mountains (southern Siberia, Russia)

Lauren POUILLE et al.

627-633, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (72) DOI

en A new scorpion fossil from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma). New phylogenetic implications


635-639, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (73) DOI

en Tithonian Chitinoidellids of the South-Tethyan Margin of the Maghreb: New data from northern Tunisia

Houaïda SALLOUHI et al.

641-653, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (74) DOI

en An exceptional Pleistocene specimen of Panochthus Burmeister (Xenarthra, Glyptodontoidea) from Bolivia: Its contribution to the understanding of the Early-Middle Pleistocene Panochthini

Alfredo Eduardo ZURITA et al.

655-664, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (75) DOI

en After Last Glacial Maximum: The third migration

Narendra KATKAR

665-678, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (76) DOI

en Interaction and circulation of symbolic goods in Quebrada de La Cueva, Jujuy, Argentina: The fossil Weyla alata (von Buch)

Paola Silvia RAMUNDO & Susana Ester DAMBORENEA

679-689, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (77) DOI

fr Page de titre Tables Palevol Tome 10, janvier-décembre 2011

691, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (78) DOI

en Contents tome 10, 2011

692-695, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (79) DOI

en Authors tome 10, 2011

696-697, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (80) DOI

fr Index des mots-clés tome 10, 2011

698-700, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (81) DOI

en Keywords tome 10, 2011

701-703, Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (82) DOI

en Editorial Board

Published on 30 November 2011, art. 10 (83) DOI