
Growing evidence for contacts between Polish and French geologists in the middle of 19th century


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (7) - Pages 629-637

Published on 31 December 2002

This article is a part of the thematic issue International symposium – Tribute to Alcide d'Orbigny – Muséum, Paris, 1st to 5th July 2002 – Part II

The paper presents results of studies on contacts and cooperation of Polish and French geologists in the middle of 19th century. The studies carried out in France (Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University, ‘Muséum national d’histoire naturelle’, Archives of the French Academy of Sciences, ‘Societé géologique de France’ in Paris and Claude-Bernard University in Lyons) and Poland have made it possible to gather data casting new light on the scale and intensity of the cooperation. The newly gathered information is mainly related to two outstanding geologists from these times: L. Zejszner, Professor at the Jagellonian University in Krakow; and E. Hébert, Professor at Sorbonne in Paris. It was found that in these times the collections of Sorbonne already comprised very numerous Polish fossils gathered by Beicher, Curet, Hébert, Lambert, Munier-Chalmas, Petitclerc and Zejszner and other researchers and collectors. This paper also presents information on Poles who were members of the Geological Society of France, unknown letters from E. Hébert to Polish geologists, a speech by E. Hébert delivered at the meeting of the Society to commemorate achievements of L. Zejszner, and data on contacts between L. Zejszner and d’Orbigny.


History of Geology, Sorbonne, Hébert, d’Orbigny, Zejszner

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