
Alcide d’Orbigny between Cuvier and Lamarck.


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (6) - Pages 347-358

Published on 31 December 2002

This article is a part of the thematic issue International symposium – Tribute to Alcide d'Orbigny – Muséum, Paris, 1st to 5th July 2002 – Part I

In the History of Science, Alcide d’Orbigny has the distinctive characteristic to be placed, between Cuvier and Lamarck, who were the two masters of Natural Science for most of the 19th century. It is in this historical context that Alcide d’Orbigny lived. Of Cuvier, he remembered ideas on disasters and species fixedness without using the same evidence, for he was not a vertebrist. Of Lamarck, he rejected the ideas on life continuity and species transformation while using the research field opened by the Zoology and Invertebrate Palaeontology founder. Alcide d’Orbigny’s originality was to use Lamarck’s Invertebrate fossils as evidence of the ideas that Cuvier had based on Vertebrate fossils.


fixism, catastrophism, transformism, palaeontology

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