
Zur Frühesten Haustierhaltung in Bulgarien, am Beispiel der Tierknochenfunde von Koprivec

Henriette MANHART

de Anthropozoologica 25-26 - Pages 715-724

Published on 01 June 1998

This article is a part of the thematic issue Proceedings of the 7th ICAZ International Meeting, Constance, September 1994

The results of archaeozoological research at the site of Koprivec in Northeastern Bulgaria are presented. The site contains ceramics, that belong to the Monochrom and Bichrom Neolithic A as well as Neolithic B, and dates between 6400 and 4800 BC. About 3000 bones have been identified. Location and dating give the site a keyposition as far as the appearance of domesticated animals in eastern and southeastern Europe is concerned. One of the results is the fact that cattle was not domesticated locally but introduced as Jully domesticated animal from elsewhere. Cultural differences in animal husbandry between the subsequent stages of habitation at Koprivec will be discussed as well as results obtained at contemporary sites in eastern Europe, Turkey and Greece.


Early Neolithic, Bulgaria, animal husbandry

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