Two new species of the genus Aeranthes Lindl. from the East of Madagascar, Aeranthes rhytophora Ramandimbisoa & Verlynde, sp. nov. and Aeranthes rhopalastra Ramandimbisoa & Verlynde, sp. nov. are described, illustrated and compared with other closely related species within the genus. Aeranthes rhytophora sp. nov. appears to be related to Aeranthes nidus Schltr. but differs from it by its longer inflorescence, a fractiflex rachis and flowers bearing a tubular spur with a rounded tip. Aeranthes rhopalastra sp. nov. is close to Aeranthes parvula Schltr. but is distinct from it by its larger size (23-25 vs 8-14 cm), its finely denticulated lip edges, cordate-auriculate at the base then largely oval, its cylindric-conical spur and longer column with a rostellum bearing short and obtuse teeth. The distribution, ecology, and conservation status of these two species are briefly analyzed.
Orchidaceae, Angraecoids, Indian Ocean Flora, Malagasy rainforests