
The Raymond Benoist microslide library of woods of French Guiana at the Herbarium of Paris (P): restoration and comments

Thierry DEROIN, Quentin DEJONGHE & Isabel LE DISQUET

en Adansonia 46 (9) - Pages 79-87

Published on 10 June 2024

Few attention has been paid to collections of plant anatomy gathered since more than a century and half, even if they are referential for classical published works and an iconographical source, which might be enhanced by modern microscopical imagery and the databases interconnection. The main hindrance is their unachieved or deteriorated mounting, as well as poor keeping, resulting in a very weak availability to botanists and other concerned people. Here we propose a simple restoration schedule for Phanerophytes, applied to a collection of histological sections from French Guiana. Results and prospects are briefly commented.


French Guiana, collection enhancement, microscope slides, restoration schedule, xylology

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