The first volume of the Orchidaceae family of the “Flore des Mascareignes” groups two species (Amphorkis inermis and Arnottia mauritiana) under the name Cynorkis inermis. The study of the literature and herbarium material available at CBNM, MARS, MAU, MPU, P, and REU, led us to the conclusion that Amphorkis inermis Thouars and Arnottia mauritiana A.Rich. are not synonyms but two distinct species that we propose to recognize respectively under the binomials Cynorkis inermis and Cynorkis mauritiana comb. nov. Comparing the types and diagnoses of the two species makes it possible to establish that Cynorkis inermis differs from Cynorkis mauritiana comb. nov. by its resupinate flowers and by the smaller size of its floral parts. The current presence of Cynorkis inermis in Mauritius is confirmed while there is no specimen to confirm its past or present existence in La Réunion. Cynorkis mauritiana comb. nov., is very common in La Réunion but its current presence in Mauritius remains to be confirmed.
Orchidaceae, Amphorkis, Arnottia, Cynorkis, Mauritius Island, La Réunion, Mascarene Flora, morphological convergence, spur, new combination