Annotate-On software (https://www.recolnat.org/en/annotate) is freely available to botanists for research on virtual herbarium collections. It contains tools to easily and quickly perform morphological and morphometric analyses on images of specimens including physical measurements (lengths, perimeters, areas, angles, counts) and descriptive annotations. The images derive from various sources such as the online Récolnat infrastructure database (https://explore.recolnat.org/), online image URLs or other images. Image libraries can be sorted using the keyword management tool within the software. Annotate-On is built on models structured as lists of editable descriptive characters (observations or measurements) dedicated to a study, a species, an hypothesis, etc. Observations and measurements based on these models can be exported to spreadsheets, data processing software, R applications or deep learning modules. Annotate-On is associated with Xper3 biodiversity data management software (https://www.xper3.fr/).
Digitised collections, digital twins, herbarium, e-services, descriptive measurements, teleworking