
Two new species of Dendrobium Sw. from New Caledonia in the section Macrocladium Schltr. and a note about Dendrobium kanakorum Kraenzl.


en Adansonia 45 (25) - Pages 385-393

Published on 06 November 2023

Two new species of Dendrobium Sw. endemic to New Caledonia closely resembling D. finetianum Schltr. are described and illustrated. These taxa are vegetatively very similar and form the “D. finetianum group”. They can be distinguished based on differences in flower size and colour, and especially the shape of the labellum. The name D. kanakorum Kränzl is placed in synonymy under D. finetianum for which a lectotype is designated. A key to the members of the “D. finetianum group” is provided in English and French.

Distribution map


Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Dendrobieae, New Caledonia, lectotypification, new synonym, new species

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