Vepris mbamensis Onana, sp. nov. with its swollen (pulvinate) petiolules is recognized as distinct from all other known species of Vepris in Africa, after study of the African material of the genus. The new species is described and typified. The key to the cameroonian species of the genus Vepris Comm. ex A.Juss. is updated to accommodate the new species. The specimen on which the invalid name Diphasia mildbraedii Engl. of the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) was based is reproduced as an image and shown to be identical to Vepris adamaouae Onana, sharing for example the unusual ramiflorous character state. Therefore the first name is made a synonym of the second and the range of V. adamaouae is extended to C.A.R., The identification of material collected in Nigeria extends the range of V. adamaouae to the West. A key to distinguish Cameroonian species with furrowed fruit is presented. Vepris mbamensis Onana, sp. nov. and V. adamaouae are illustrated, and a distribution map of both species is presented.
Cameroon, Vepris, Diphasia, new species