Comptes Rendus Palevol
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Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements
Edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
BACON A.-M. & DEMETER F. (eds) 2012. — Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements/L’Asie continentale et insulaire : quelques points d’actualités sur les premiers peuplements. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 11 (2-3), arts 12-24.

Editorial Board
Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (24) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
Evolution of prehistoric lithic industries of the Philippines during the Pleistocene
213-230, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (23)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
Environment, preferred habitats and potential refugia for Pleistocene Homo in Southeast Asia
203-211, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (22) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
A carnivorous niche for Java Man? A preliminary consideration of the abundance of fossils in Middle Pleistocene Java
191-202, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (21) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
Stone implements from Java and Flores: A history of the discoveries
181-189, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (20)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
The hominins of Flores: Insular adaptations of the lower body
169-179, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (19) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
Pleistocene and Holocene rhinocerotids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Indochinese Peninsula
159-168, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (18) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
Karst development, breccias history, and mammalian assemblages in Southeast Asia: A brief review
Philippe DURINGER et al.
133-157, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (17)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
The ethnolinguistic identity of the domesticators of Asian rice
117-132, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (16) 
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER
The place of Tam Hang in Southeast Asian human evolution
97-115, Published on 30 April 2012, art. 11 (15)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Mainland and insular Asia: Current debates about first settlements edited by Anne-Marie BACON & Fabrice DEMETER