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Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis
Edited by Marie BALASSE, Hugo D. YACOBACCIO, Jean-Denis VIGNE, Daniel HELMER & Nicolas GOEPFERT
BALASSE M., YACOBACCIO H. D., VIGNE J.-D., HELMER D. & GOEPFERT N. (eds) 2007. — Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis/Actes de la session de l'ICAZ (Mexico, août 2006). Pratiques et techniques d'élevage : modèles et outils méthodologiques pour l'analyse archéozoologique. Anthropozoologica, vol. 42 (2), arts 1-10.
« Crise économique » au Néolithique à la transition Pfÿn-Horgen (3400 BC) : contribution de la paléoparasitologie
Matthieu LE BAILLY et al.
175-185, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (10)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Camelid domestication on the western slope of the Puna de Atacama, northern Chile
Isabel CARTAJENA et al.
155-174, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (9)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Andean camelid herding in the South Andes: ethnoarchaeological models for archaeozoological research
143-154, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (8)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Camelid management during Inca times in N.W. Argentina: models and archaeozoological indicators
129-142, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (7)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Visualizing the Seasonal Round: A theoretical experiment with strontium isotope profiles in ovicaprine teeth
107-128, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (6)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Macro- and micromorphological features of lifestyle differences in pigs and wild boar
Ingrid MAINLAND et al.
89-106, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (5)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Environmental constraints on the reproductive activity of domestic sheep and cattle: what latitude for the herder?
71-88, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (4)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
The development of the exploitation of products from Capra and Ovis (meat, milk and fleece) from the PPNB to the Early Bronze in the northern Near East (8700 to 2000 BC cal.)
Daniel HELMER et al.
41-70, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (3)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Was milk a « secondary product » in the Old World Neolithisation process? Its role in the domestication of cattle, sheep and goats
Jean-Denis VIGNE & Daniel HELMER
9-40, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (2)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.
Avant-propos. Actes de la session de l'ICAZ (Mexico), août 2006
Marie BALASSE et al.
7-8, Published on 31 December 2007, art. 42 (1)This article is a part of the thematic issue Acts of the ICAZ session (Mexico, August 2006). Herding practices and techniques: models and methodological tools for archaeozoological analysis edited by Marie BALASSE et al.