
The species of Russula subsection Xerampelinae described by C.H. Peck and Miss G.S. Burlingham

Slavomír ADAMČÍK & Bart BUYCK

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 32 (1) - Pages 63-81

Publié le 25 mars 2011

The species of Russula subsection Xerampelinae described by C.H. Peck and Miss G.S. Burlingham

Microscopical characters of type specimens for three species in Russula subsect. Xerampelinae, R. atropurpurea Peck, R. serissima Peck and R. fucosa Burl., are described in detail and compared with recent collections. Taxonomic and nomenclatural aspects are discussed. Lectotypes are chosen for R. fucosa and R. xerampelina var. semirubra. The latter taxon is here demonstrated to be a synonym of Burlingham's species.

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