

Publications de l'auteur


The functionally-related signatures characterizing the endostructural organisation of the femoral shaft in modern humans and chimpanzee

PUYMERAIL L. 2013. — The functionally-related signatures characterizing the endostructural organisation of the femoral shaft in modern humans and chimpanzee. Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (4): 223-231.

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A Neanderthal partial femoral diaphysis from the “grotte de la Tour”, La Chaise-de-Vouthon (Charente, France): Outer morphology and endostructural organization

PUYMERAIL L., VOLPATO V., DEBÉNATH A., MAZURIER A., TOURNEPICHE J.-F. & MACCHIARELLI R. 2012. — A Neanderthal partial femoral diaphysis from the “grotte de la Tour”, La Chaise-de-Vouthon (Charente, France): Outer morphology and endostructural organization. Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (8): 581-593.

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Inner structural organization of the distal humerus in Paranthropus and Homo

CAZENAVE M., BRAGA J., OETTLÉ A., THACKERAY J. F., DE BEER F., HOFFMAN J., ENDALAMAW M., REDAE B. E., PUYMERAIL L. & MACCHIARELLI R. 2017. — Inner structural organization of the distal humerus in Paranthropus and Homo. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (5-6): 521-532.

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Les restes humains de la grotte ornée paléolithique des Deux-Ouvertures (Ardèche, France)

CONDEMI S., VOISIN J.-L., PUYMÉRAIL L., MONNEY J. & PHILIPPE M. 2017. — Les restes humains de la grotte ornée paléolithique des Deux-Ouvertures (Ardèche, France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (4): 452-461.

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